Wednesday, March 28, 2007

School field trip to the jax zoo

Today Corey, Maisha, and Aki went on a school field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo with Warri and his classmates.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Maisha and Akiala came to Visit

Maisha and Aki came to visit us for a while. They wanted to meet the newest member of the I-Nesbit clan and also get to see the rest of us. We enjoyed our time together and here are a few of the pictures of them with little man and Warri.

More pictures!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


We went bowling a few weeks ago and just wanted to share pictures!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Warri can ride a bike!

Here are a few pictures of Warri riding his bike. He finally got it thanks to his auntie Maisha and now he thinks he is a pro. Way to go Warri!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures!!!

Tarii at 7 weeks of age

Family Pictures!!

Just wanted to share the family pictures that we took at Sears a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Moster Jam

Just wanted to share a few pictures of the Monster Jam that Corey took Warri to. He was so excited to have a father and son night out and we surprised him with tickets to the show. He just loved watching the trucks racing and smashing each other.

Universoul Circus

Here are some picture of us having fun at the "Universoul Circus." Warri and I have never been to a circus of any kind, so we were rather excited. If you have never heard of Universoul Circus; it is an urban circus that brings the fans closer to the center ring. They have a lot of R&B and Hip-hop music that gives it a closer to home environment. Corey thought it was rather hood but he considers most things hood. They have attracations from different nations that were really entertaining. Dancers from Tobego were outstanding and the grand finale were the elephants that were less that ten feet from us. If you have never been close to elephants just know that they smell like nothing that we have ever smelled before. We did have a great time and next year will have pictures of both our boys going to the Universoul Circus together, big and little brother.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Hi everyone, I know it's been a while since my last post. Life has been very busy in the I-Nesbit household . I have had lots of family in town to visit with us. We are still adjusting to life with 2 kids and sometimes it can be challenging. Warri loves being a big brother. He like to hold his little bro all the time. Tarii is getting so big and he is starting to look more like his daddy and big brother. I had to take Tarii to the doctor for an eye infection and he weighed 9lbs 6oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Warri and Tarii are the 2 joys in my life, I love them more than words can express.