Thursday, September 28, 2006

Baby Buzz- Banana Tree

Hey everybody, we just wanted to share a picture of this cute banana tree that we ordered online today. We are going to put it in our little man's room. I'm thinking we are going to put it in the corner of his room and have it hang over his crib. We think this would be a great focal point and it goes with his decor which is a jungle theme. We should be getting both the baby's room and Warri's room painted very soon. I can't wait until we get the paint on the walls so I can start putting these rooms together. We're getting more and more excited with every day. We will be posting pictures as soon as we get some changes.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Warri's World- Warri's Room

Hi Family and Friends, We thought we might share with you all how we were going to decorate Warri the "Big Brother's" room. We have never decorated Warri's room completely so we decided that while we're doing the baby's room we'd better do his room too. We don't want Warri getting jealous and we thought that it will make him feel more grown-up. We did away with the spider-man stuff, even though he is still his biggest fan. We wanted to give him a room that he could grow into so he chose a sport's theme. We can't wait to get started on it and we will be sure to post more pictures as we finish. Let us know what you think.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Baby Buzz- Update and new ultrasound pictures!!

Hi all, Just wanted to post some new pictures of the baby. I had a doctors appt on Tuesday the 12th for a routine check-up. The baby's heart rate was 153 B.P.M. and I managed to only gain 2 lbs in one month, so a total of 3 lbs and I'm already half way through my pregnancy.

Today we had our original scheduled sonogram. The technician said every thing was looking great and the baby looks very healthy. She said that he weighs about 1 lb and is about 6-8 inches long. We got to take a second look at his boy parts just to make sure and from what we could see they were right the first time. It's for sure a boy!! We took a tour of the labor and delivery ward as well as the recovery rooms to familiarize ourselves with the hospital. We also signed up for Lamaze classes to get ourselves prepared for child birth all over again. I can't believe that we only have 19 weeks until we get to meet our little miracle. The time as flown by fast but every passing day we get more excited.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Baby Buzz- Bedding

Hi all, I just wanted to share the bedding that we have selected for our baby boy. We are currently in the process of transforming our spare bedroom into the new nursery. I'll be sure to keep you posted on our progress and post pictures along the way. As the time grows shorter and our child grows bigger, we know that our new addition to the famliy will help make our first house a home.