Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Baby Buzz- It's A ....

Today is Aug 29th and we just had our 2nd ultra-sound. The doctor said everything looked good and the baby's measurements were right on target. We had a scare with one of my blood test a few weeks ago. A test came back at a higher risk for the baby to have downs-syndrome but the results of the ultra-sound was very good so the risk is less than half of one percent . So on to the news that everybody has been waiting for.. Your going to have to wait till the end of this post. We are just glad to see that our baby is doing fine and growing. I'm glad that we know, now we can start to prepare for our little one. Warri wanted a little sister but he says he guesses he can live with a little brother. Yes, we are having a boy. Thank all of you for your support through all of this.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Baby Buzz- Doctor's appointment

Today we had a doctor's appointment. We didn't have a sonogram as I was hoping for but we did get to listen to the baby's heart beat which was beating at 160. The most exciting news in my health was that I only gained 1 lbs. Woo Hoo!! 1 lbs in 7 weeks. My blood pressure was fine and everything else was right where it should be. I took a few blood tests and I should get the results back sometime next week. They will be scheduling us for a sonogram in the next few weeks so hopefully we can put an end to the wait and find out what we are having. I'm getting more and more excited as the time goes by and I just want January to hurry up and come.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Warri's World- First day of Kindergarten

Today is Monday, August the 7th and it's Warri's first day of "big boy" school. He was excited this morning as he was getting dressed, even though he said he wasn't. As you can see from the pictures he was all smiles. I can't believe that our little boy is in school now, were did the time go.. Corey and I dropped him off at 8:30 am and picked him up at 2:30 pm. His teacher's name is Mrs. Parker and she only had great things to say about him when I arrived to pick him up. I asked Warri what he likes about his new school and he said he liked that there is no nap time. He also said that at lunch time he gets to go through a line with a tray and pick out what he wants for lunch. He likes his new school because it makes him feel like a big boy. He is looking forward to all the great things that will come with going to a bigger school and all the new friends that he is going to make.