Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone's holiday weekend was a good one. We didn't do too much here but enjoyed being together as a family. Warri forgot it was Christmas so he slept in until almost 10 am. We were expecting to be woken up by him really early but we ended up having to wake him up. He was so excited to see all the presents under the tree. We waited until Christmas eve to put them out so Warri kept saying that he was sad that Santa might have forgotten about him. He got a PSP which he still can't stop talking about, a scooter, and many other things. Corey cooked a very yummy dinner which we all enjoyed eating.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Sorry for not posting in a while but things have been crazy around here. I had a check-up last week and found out that I was dilated to 1 cm, so my doctor kind of freaked out. I am almost 35 weeks and the baby really needs to stay put for a few more weeks. Thankfully I was not having any contractions so she sent me home on bed-rest. I went back a few days later and I was still 1 cm which is great news. She is leaning on the cautious side and wants to keep me on bed-rest for the rest of the week. With only 5 1/2 weeks left I'm finding it very hard to do. I feel so unprepared, time is running out and we still have a lot to do.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Baby registry info

Hello Everyone. We just wanted to let everyone know that we started a baby registry at Babies R US. I got this great idea from a friend of mine, she thought that it would be cool to have an online baby shower. Seeing as we are so far from our family and close friends. We have only listed a few items that are needed or that we have yet to buy. I can't believe we are going to have a newborn all over again!! We're getting so excited and Warri can hardly wait!! Oh yeah, by the way Warri has named his little brother Binky so I guess that will be his nick name for now. Lol.

Babies R US
Registry #: 33262255
Eshe I-Nesbit
Corey Nesbit

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This year we decided to drive up to North Carolina to celebrate Thanksgiving with Corey's family. Unfortunately Corey could not make the trip with us due to him having to work. Thankfully my mother and my little brother drove up with me. The drive wasn't as bad as I thought it might be seeing as I am 7 months pregnant. It was so nice to be around so much family but it was kind of sad that Corey couldn't make it. Corey's mother out did herself this year with all that she cooked and I sure did enjoy eating everything. Warri had a good time playing with his cousins as always.

Emnet (my brother) and Audrey (Corey's mom)

Warri and his cousin Justice

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!

Today Warri had lots of fun trick or treating. He chose to dress up as Darth Vader this year, I think we may finally be over I took him trick or treating and it wore me out so we didn't stay out too long. When we got back home we sat outside and passed out candy and Warri was very excited to see all the kids that came by. We didn't get as many trick or treaters as I expected but Warri didn't mind all the left over candy.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Jacksonville Air Show

Today we went to the Jacksonville Air Show with my friend Michelle. We had a lot of fun beside having to wait for an hour to get on base and get a parking spot. We went in the late afternoon and thought that we would be able to get a closer parking spot but we ended up having to walk 5-6 blocks there and back. I almost died from a heat stroke. lol. No wonder I can't seem to put any weight on, I'm always up and running at the bank and when I'm out and about. Warri had a good time even though he got mad when we were leaving because he was unable to get a turn on one of those bouncers. I don't understand why he likes those things so much. Well nothing else going on here but I just wanted to post and share the pictures with you.

Spooktacular at The Jax Zoo

Today we took a trip to the Jacksonville ZOO. They were having a Halloween celebration called "Spooktaular at the ZOO". It started at 6pm and ended at 9pm. They had a lot carved pumpkins on display and pumpkin people walking around passing out candy. All the kids were dressed in their costumes and boy were they cute. Warri had lots of fun playing in the play area that was filled with big jumpers for the kids. He got mad when it was time to leave but as soon as we got to "Candy Lane" and started to collect all the yummy goodies his mood changed. It was a fun night and we wish Corey could have been there with us.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Baby Buzz- Doctors appt

Today we had a doctor's appointment to check on our little ones growth. Everything seems to be on track. I lost 3lbs over the last month and my doctor wasn't too happy about that. She would like to see me gain some weight with this pregnancy. I haven't gained any weight this time around, I have actually lost almost 15lbs so far. I'm not on any diet but I have been careful with what I have been eating so I guess I just naturally lost weight. I'm going to try to put on a few pounds these last few months, which shouldn't be to hard with the Holidays around the corner, because I don't want them putting me on bed rest or admitting me to the hospital. The baby's heart rate was 158 bpm. She had a hard time getting a reading of the heart rate because he was moving around so much. I had another glucose test done and I should be getting the results back next week. I have been keeping myself busy preparing for the baby while Corey is away. Corey should be coming home sometime around Thanksgiving and we all can't wait. Until then I will keep you posted on the things that we have planed between now and Corey's return.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Baby Buzz- More ultra-sound Pictures

Hi Everyone, I had an ultra-sound today to take a better look at our baby's heart. The ultra-sound technician said everything is great so I guess we can all take a big deep breath and start enjoying this time instead of worrying. The baby's growth is right where it is supposed to be. He weighs about 1.6 lbs. She couldn't find out how long he was because he wouldn't stop wiggling around. I posted a few picture that she gave me but they are not that great due to him moving so much. I took Warri with me this time and he thought it was cool to see his baby brother and he is trying to wait patiently. We are now 6 months and 5 days so we have 107 day left!! Wow, that's going to go by so fast with all the holiday's coming up. We better get ready.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Warri's World- More Birthday Pictures!!

Just wanted to share more Pictures from Ali's birthday party.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Warri's World- Happy 6th Birthday

Today was Warri's birthday party celebration. He turned the big "6" on Friday the 6th of Oct. He had lots of fun playing with his friends on the bouncer that we rented. He had a blast trying to bust open the pinata and got hyped on all the cotton candy and cake. He was a little sad that his daddy was not able to enjoy the day with him but he was so excited to have both his Nana and his Grandma drive down to be with him. I can't believe that my boy is 6, wow where has the time gone.... Happy Birthday Warri-Ali!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Nesbit News- The painting has begun!!!

Warri's room before painting Warri's room after
Another shot of Warri's room before painting

and after...This is the baby's room after painting. I forgot to take before pictures
and another shot of the baby's room.

We hired one of Corey's family members to paint both Warri's and the baby's room. We weren't going to get them done until the middle or the end of the month but Corey may have to leave on a mini deployment this week and if he does he will be gone for 7 weeks. He is supposed to ship out this Friday, which happens to be Warri's 6th birthday so needless to say we are not too happy about him leaving. Warri's birthday party is on Sat and he will miss it, oh the live of a military family. Well I hope all is well with everybody and I just want to give an update on what we're up to. I love how the rooms look already and I'll post more pictures when we start to put the rooms together.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Baby Buzz- Banana Tree

Hey everybody, we just wanted to share a picture of this cute banana tree that we ordered online today. We are going to put it in our little man's room. I'm thinking we are going to put it in the corner of his room and have it hang over his crib. We think this would be a great focal point and it goes with his decor which is a jungle theme. We should be getting both the baby's room and Warri's room painted very soon. I can't wait until we get the paint on the walls so I can start putting these rooms together. We're getting more and more excited with every day. We will be posting pictures as soon as we get some changes.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Warri's World- Warri's Room

Hi Family and Friends, We thought we might share with you all how we were going to decorate Warri the "Big Brother's" room. We have never decorated Warri's room completely so we decided that while we're doing the baby's room we'd better do his room too. We don't want Warri getting jealous and we thought that it will make him feel more grown-up. We did away with the spider-man stuff, even though he is still his biggest fan. We wanted to give him a room that he could grow into so he chose a sport's theme. We can't wait to get started on it and we will be sure to post more pictures as we finish. Let us know what you think.